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Module 9 Story time质量检测 作者:刘燕  

2011-04-18 20:12:30|  分类: 7年级英语 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Module 9  Story time




bear, ride, go for a ride, hurry, in a hurry, bowl, emperor


begin, decide, ride, pick, pick up, notice, hurry, hurry up, knock, push, open, enter, count, rush, try, destroy, return, cry, point, jump, look around, die, change into


golden, little, open, all, hungry, unhappy, asleep


once, once upon a time, all








Godilocks walked into the forest and picked some flowers.

They looked at the bowls and the chairs.

She didn't like the food in the big bowl.

They didn't notice Godilocks at first.

First, they looked at the bowls and the chairs. Next the Bears looked in their bedrooms. Then Baby Bear pointed at the little girl in his bed. Finally, Godilocks opened her eyes.






1Don't p________ flowers in the garden.

2Miss Lane n________ a boy in black. He looked unhappy.

3We can't live w________ water.

4Don't make much noise. The baby is a________.

5The naughty boy d ________ the chair badly.

6Tom failed the exam. He d________ to study harder from now on.

7Sam woke up at seven forty this morning. He jumped out of bed and h ________ out of the house.

8China e________ WTO in 2001.

9Once u________ a time there lived a king.

10In Harry Potter, the magical rod (魔法棒)can c________ all the objects into the things you want.


1lose ________                2notice ________   3count ________

4do ________                  5be ________        6walk ________

7pick ________                8live ________       9decide ________

10finish ________            11enter ________   12hurry ________

13knock ________           14push ________   15look ________

16play ________              17stop ________    18try ________


1They ________ studytogether yesterday.

2We decide ________ goskating next week.

3There are twelve ________ monthin a year.

4They ________ plantheir holiday just now.

5I ________ stayat home ten minutes ago.

6He ________ openhis eyes and smiled.

7They are ________ goto Japan next Monday.

8The little girl wanted ________ havetwo more apples.

9She ________ likeplaying basketball but she doesn't ________ likeplaying football.

10Did you enjoy ________ lieon the beach?


1________ you ________ to the park last week?

AWere, go                  BDid, go                CWere, went         DDid, went

2— Did you have a good time?


AYes, I am.                BYes, I was.         CYes, I did.          DYes, we are.

3Mike ________ his homework yesterday.

Adidn't do                   Bwasn't do            Cdidn't                  Ddidn't did

4The mother was very worried because her daughter ________.

Alose                          Blost                     Cis lost                  Dwas lost

5Betty saw a wallet on her way to school. She ________ and then waited for its owner.

Apicked                      Bpicked up it          Cpicked them         Dpicked it up

6He ________ his hometown after graduated from Qinghua University.

Acame back                Bwent back           Creturned              Dreturned to

7Mary entered ________ the house quietly.

Ato                            Bat                        C/                         Din

8— Do you know the boy ________ Tony?

— Sorry, I don't.

Acall                          Bcalling                 Ccalls                    Dcalled

9Don't point ________ others. It's not polite.

Aat                             Bin                        Con                      Dfor

10My mother always ________ me fairy tales when I was a child.

Aspoke                     Bsaid                     Ctalked                  Dtold

11Lingling knocked ________ the door, ________ nobody answered.

Aon, and                   Bon, but                Cat, and                Dto, but

12There ________ no one there so she entered the room.

Ais                           Bare                      Cwas                    Dwere

13He finished ________ the book and returned it to the library.

Aread                       Bto read                Creading                Dreads

14John played ________ soccer and Kate played ________ piano.

Athe, the                   Bthe, /                   C//                    D/the

15How ________ your journey?

Adid                         Bwas                    Cwere                   Dare



It was Children's Day. Early in morning, I, together with my            1________

classmates, were going to the small river near our school. It was             2________

very dirty with rubbish in it. After we got to there, we did our                 3________

best to pull all the rubbish out of the river, and it looks clean                    4________

again. When we returned home, we were very tired, and we all               5________

felt quite happy.


1We stayed in Dalian for a week. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________ ________ you ________ in Dalian

2I was late for school yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)

________ ________ late for school yesterday?

3We had a good time yesterday. (改为否定句)

We ________ ________ ________ a good time yesterday.

4The weather was cold yesterday. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________ the weather like yesterday?

5They did their homework last night. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________they ________ last night?


1basketball, morning, played, Sunday, on, they


2a, weekend, they, busy, had


3think, the, you, do, everyone, story, likes


4they, games, did, play, computer, last, night


5got, up, on, the, beach, sit, went, to, and, he, early





? Of course, they needed money for the trip. So, for six months, they worked in a restaurant washing dishes on weekends. They saved up all the money.

? Last year, they decided to travel all the way across the USA—from San Francisco to New York.

? Finally, with enough money saved, they packed their bags and, at the beginning of June, they started their trip.

? Marcus and Daniel lived in San Francisco. They were best friends, they studied together. They played basketball on the same team.

? After they finished work, they often looked at their map of the USA and talked about the places they wanted to visit. They planned their route carefully.



Can plants eat people? Probably not, but there are many plants that eat meat. Some of them are big. And they can eat small animals. One famous meat-eating plant is Venus flytrap (猪笼草).

The Venus flytrap is a very strange plant. It grows in dry part of the United Stated. Its leaves are like the pages of a book. They can open and close very quickly. Inside the leaves, there are three small hairs. If a fly touches one of the hairs, the leaf closes quickly. The fly cannot get out. In about half an hour, the leaf presses the fly until it is dead. Then, the plant covers the fly. Slowly, the plant eats the fly.

Why do plants do it? Most plants get what they need from the sun, the air, and the ground. In some places, the ground is very poor. It doesn't have all these important things, especially nitrogen (氮). Animal meat has a lot of nitrogen, so some plants eat meat to get what they need. Let's hope that some of the bigger plants don't get the same idea!


1The Venus flytrap is a kind of________.

Aplant                        Banimal                 Cfood                   Dmeat

2The Venus flytrap grows in________.

Amost parts of the world                             Bsome parts of Africa

Cdry parts of the United States                     Dwet parts of England

3From the passage, we learn that________.

Aall plants can eat people                             Ball plants can eat animals

Csome plants can eat people                         Dsome plants can eat animals

4The underline word "presses" probably means ________ in Chinese.

A.挤压                        B.关上                   C.打开                   D.松开

5Why do some plants eat animal meat? Because________.

Aplants are dangerous to animals

Banimals are dangerous to plants

Cplants want to get what they need from animal meat

Dplants want to protect themselves against animals


it,  help,  late,  early,  policeman,  sing,  problems,  but,  how,  lost,  smile,  easily,  town,  carefully

Paula was going to a birthday party. The party was at the house of a friend from work. Paula's friend carefully wrote the directions (方向,路线)to the party. She didn't know the   1   where her friend lived, so she left her house   2  . For 20 minutes she followed the directions   3    and got off at Exit 14, then she began to have   4  . She couldn't find the street. She drove around and around, and soon she was   5  . She stopped and asked people for directions,    6   no one knew that street. Paula didn't have her mobile phone with her. She left   7   at home on the kitchen table.

Suddenly she saw a   8  . She stopped and asked him for   9  . He looked at the directions and   10  . "You wanted Exit 15, not Exit 14." He showed Paula   11   to get back on the highway.

She got off at Exit 15 and   12   found the house. She was very   13  When she walked in, everyone was   14   "Happy birthday" to her friend. After a few minutes, Paula relaxed and began to enjoy the party.

1________                       2________            3________            4________

5________                       6________            7________            8________

9________                       10________           11________           12________

13________                     14________







Alfred Nobel was born on October 21, 1833 in Sweden. He was the third and the youngest son among six children.

When Alfred was very young, his health was rather poor. For most of time, he had to stay in his house. His mother was his friend, nurse, teacher and his window to the world. She read to him from his brother's textbooks until he learned to read himself.

In 1843, the family moved to Russia. His father asked a tutor to teach his sons Russian. Alfred was so smart that he later was able to speak English, French, German, Spanish, besides Russian, all very well.

When Alfred grew older, he began to get interested in the family business. He studied chemistry in Paris and worked for a time in the USA before he returned to Sweden in 1859.

Alfred worked very hard. In 1867, he invented "dynamite"a safer form of explosive. He set up factories around the world to make dynamite and other explosives. This brought him a lot of money.

By the time Alfred Nobel died on December 10th 1896, he left about $ 9 million. In his will, he said that he wanted this money to be given to honour great discovers and organizations in the fields of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, word peace and economics.

The prizes started in 1901, and they are still the highest honour in the world.

Notesexplosive  n.炸药  honour v.给予荣誉  literature  n.文学  economics n.经济学

Answer questions:

1How many languages was Alfred Nobel able to speak? What are they?

He was able to speak ________ languages. They were ________________________________


2What did Alfred Nobel do before he returned to Sweden in 1859


3What was Alfred Nobel's greatest invention?

He invented ________________, a safer form of ________________.

4Why did Alfred Nobel set up the Nobel Prize?

Because he wanted his money to be given to honour ________________________________.

5Can an outstanding historian (历史学家)get the Nobel Prize?



Module 9


A1pick  2noticed  3without  4asleep  5destroyed

6decided  7hurried  8entered  9upon  10change

B1lost  2noticed  3counted  4did  5waswere  6walked

7picked  8lived  9decided  10finished  11entered  12hurried

13knocked  14pushed  15looked  16played  17stopped  18tried

C1studied 2to go 3months 4planned 5stayed 6opened

7going 8to have 9likes, like 10lying


1B  2C  3A  4D  5D  6C  7C  8D  9A  10D  11B  12C  13C  14D  15B


A1in后加the  2were改为was  3.去掉to  4looks改为looked  5and改为but

B1How long did, stay  2Were you  3didn't have  4what was  5what did, do

C1They played basketball on Sunday morning.

2They had a busy weekend.

3Do you think everyone likes the story?

4Did they play computer games last night?

5He got up early and went to sit on the beach.


A3  2  5  1  4

B1A  2C  3D  4A  5C


1town  2early  3carefully  4problems  5lost  6but  7it

8policeman  9help  10smiled  11how  12easily  13late  14singing


One day, Miss Rabbit went out to look for food. She found a big pumpkin. She was very happy and decided to carry it home. It was too heavy for her to carry. What should she do? Just then, Mr. Panda came over on his bike. Miss Rabbit saw the wheels (轮子)of the bike and had an idea. She turned the pumpkin over and rolled it like a wheel. It was much easier and soon she arrived home. How clever she was!


1five  English, French, German, Spanish and Russian

2He studied chemistry in Paris and worked for a time in the USA

3"dynamite"  explosive

4great discovers and organizations in the fields of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, world peace and economics

5No, he can't


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