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Module 6 The Olympic adventure 质量检测 作者:刘燕  

2011-04-18 20:27:19|  分类: 7年级英语 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Module 6  The Olympic adventure



adventure, gymnastics, neighbourhood, committee, back, visitor, cassette, player, vocabulary


ski, relax, arrive, need, continue


Olympic, more, dangerous, popular, exciting, tiring, unpopular, boring, relaxing, safe, late, other, better, young


more, late, slowly, loudly, clearly, quickly, well, badly, carelessly, better, hard, carefully, quietly



情态动词(modal v.





I love gymnastics. I think it is more exciting than table tennis.

I like basketball and football, but I don't like running or cycling.

They need to learn English quickly and speak it well.

The teacher speaks loudly and slowly.





relax  much  take  arrive  however

1Cycling isn't ________ at all. People have to ride very hard to win.

2He isn't the best student in study in the class, ________, all of us like him.

3I hope I will have ________ free time and less homework.

4Dr. Black will ________ in Beijing next Wednesday, so we need to get prepared for that.

5The tour guide is ________ the tourist around the Forbidden City.


1I think cycling is very ________ and uninteresting.

Atired                         Btiring                   Ctiresome              Dtire

2Which sport are you ________, hockey or judo?

Agood in                     Bgood at                Cwell in                 Dwell at

3I think English is ________ than math. I can always get higher marks in English.

Aeasier                       Beasy                    Cdifficult               Dmore difficult

4Would you like to ________ some sightseeing around Beijing?

Atake                         Bmake                   Cdo                      Dget

5Excuse me. Can you ________ English?

Aspeak                       Bsay                     Ctell                      Dtalk

6Mr. Smith works so ________ that he always stays at school until night.

Ahardly                      Bcarefully              Chard                    Dcareful

7Put "also" to the right position.

Betty likes running   A  and   B   she   C   likes swimming   D  .

8What time do you leave ________ school every morning?

Afor                           Bto                       Cat                       Din

9— Look! It's snowing outside.

— How wonderful! If the snow on the ground is thick enough tomorrow, we can go________

Ashopping                  Bswimming           Cskiing                  Dcycling

10— I love swimming and diving (跳水). How about you?

— No, I don't like ________ of them. I hate water.

Aany                        Beither                  Ceveryone             Dneither

11I'd like to sit ________ the classroom so that I can see and hear the teacher.

Ain front of                                               Bat back of

Cin the front of                                          Dat the back of

12Tony often does his homework ________, so he often makes many mistakes.

Awell                        Bcarefully              Ccarelessly            Deasily

13Basketball is my favorite sport, ________ I love football too.

Aand                        Bso                       Calso                    Dhowever

14Jim gets to school ________ than Tom does.

Aa little early             Bearly                   Cmuch earlier        Dmuch early

15The 2008 Olympic Games was held ________.

Ain Sydney               Bin Athens             Cin Shanghai          Din Beijing


1Skating is easier than skiing. difficult


2Running is cheaper than skiing. Nothing else, but running shoes. expensive


3Basketball is safer than gymnastics, I think. dangerous


4I don't like swimming. Swimming is more tiring than rowing. relaxing


5Table tennis is more exciting than hockey. I like playing table tennis. boring




1moves, slowly, turtle, rabbit, a, more, a


2bigger, an, cow, elephant, is, a


3a, lives, dog, an, longer, elephant


4whale, stays, water, under, dolphin, a, longer, a


5bear, runs, a, faster, a, person




He doesn't like________________________________.


Daming ________________________________________.


In China, table tennis is ________________________________________.


I like history ________________________________________.


She always ________________________________________.


Many people like watching TV. Watching TV is   1   of the most important activities of the day. TV brings the outside world 2 to people's house. Some people   3   the word is getting smaller   4   before.

What's happening in other countries?   5   do people live in faraway (远方)places? Is there a good sports game? What's life in the deepest part of the sea? If you want to   6   these and other things, just turn   7   the TV and watch it. Of course, people can also learn through reading and listening to the   8  but TV can help them learn better and more easily. Why? Because they can hear and watch,   9  . TV can give us new   10   It is an interesting thing.

1Asome                        Bany                     Ca                        Done

2Afarther                      Bcloser                  Cclose                   Dfar

3Asay                          Bspeak                  Ctalk                     Dtell

4Athan                         Bthen                    Calso                    Dbut

5AWhy                        BWhen                  CHow                   DWhere

6Alook                         Bknow                  Cstudy                  Dsee

7Aoff                           Bon                       Cdown                  Dup

8ATV                           Bradio                   Cfilm                    Dnewspaper

9Atoo                           Bneither                 Ceither                  Dagain

10Athings                     Bbooks                  Cideas                   Dsongs



Some people say, "Extreme (极限的)sports are so dangerous. Why would anyone want to do them?" But the danger is what makes them so exciting.

Bungee Jumping: People on some South Pacific islands have been bungee jumping for hundreds of years. In 1979, some people bungee jumped off a bridge in England and made the sport popular around the world. Bungee jumping came to China in 1996.

Skydiving: This is probably the scariest extreme sport. Skydivers jump out of airplanes about four kilometers up in the sky. They usually free-fall for a while and then open a parachute (降落伞)to slow down for a safe landing.

Snowboarding: This became a winter Olympic sport in 1998People tied their feet to the board with special shoes. They don't use any ski sticks. Then they ride down hill, jump high and do tricks.

1What made bungee jumping popular all over the world?

AA history of hundreds of years.                 BJumping over a river in England.

CComing to China in 1996.                          DJumping off a bridge in Britain.

2In which sports do people jump from a plane or from a high place?

ABungee jumping.                                       BSkydiving.

CSnowboarding.                                         DBoth A and B.

3Why do some people like to do the extreme sports?

AIt's exciting and safe.                                                                BIt's dangerous but exciting.

CIt's scary but safe.                                    DIt's easy to learn.


In 1891, Dr. James ANaismith was asked to create a game that could be played indoors during the hard winters. Students were tired of staying inside, and they looked forward to any sporting activity. So Naismith put up two peach baskets on opposite walls and got his class of eighteen students to play a game of “basketball”. The team that dropped the ball into the basket more times would win. At first a soccer ball was used, but in 1894, it was decided that the ball should be 81 centimeters around and weigh 500 grams. Finally the weight increased to 600 grams. The baskets used in early games had the bottoms in them, and after each goal someone had to climb a ladder in order to get the ball out. In 1906, open baskets were introduced, which allowed the ball to pass through. And as a result the game became faster. In the beginning, no backboards were used either. Therefore, fans sitting in the balcony behind the basket would push away the ball when the opponent was going to score. Also in the early days, each team was made up of nine players. It wasn't until 1897 that five-player team became official.

1At the beginning, basketball was created to play ________.

Aoutdoors in summer                                   Bindoors in summer

Coutdoors in winter                                     Dindoors in winter

2Finally a basketball was________.

Alike a soccer ball                                        B81 cm around and weighed 500 grams

Cwere as big as a peach                               D81 cm around and weighed 600 grams

3In 1901, the baskets used in game________.

Ahad bottoms              Bhad no bottoms

Cwere as big as a peach                               Dwere very large

4In 1897, each basketball team was made up of ________ players.

Aeighteen                    Bten                      Cnine                    Dfive



My favorite Olympic sport is ___________________________________________________





beautiful(原级)           difficult(原级)       tiring(原级)

more beautiful                 more difficult            more tiring

Table tennis is more popular than gymnastic.

Cycling is more tiring than running.


The teacher speaks slowly and loudly.

No one wants to speak it badly or carelessly.





















Every four years athletes (运动员)from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games. Both the Summer and Winter Olympics are held every four years. The Winter Olympics are usually held two years before the Summer Olympics.

The old Olympic Games from which the modern games came began around the year 776 BC in Greece (希腊). Many of the sports were the same as they are now. Some of the games in which the young men competed were: running, jumping and wrestling (摔跤). Women were not allowed to take part in the games.

After about the year 393 AD the Olympic Games stopped. For centuries there were no Olympic Games. But they were not forgotten (被忘记).

The first Olympic Games in modern (现代)times happened in 1896They were held (举办)in Greece — the country in which the games were born. In the 1896 games there were 311 competitors from just 13 countries.

The Olympic motto is "Swifter, Higher, Stronger." It means that every athlete should try to run faster, jump higher, and throw further. They do their best to win medals (奖牌). In the 1988 Olympic Games, Carl Lewis won four gold medals—in the 100 meters, 200 meters, long jump and 4 × 100-metre relay (接力). In Athens 2004, the Chinese team got 32 gold medals, ranking second of the competing countries. China won another great competition in 2001 which was not for a medal. It was the competition among countries to host the Games. In 2008, the 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. The people of Beijing, and of the whole country will be preparing (准备)to light (点燃)the Olympic torch (火炬)to welcome the athletes and sports fans from all over the world.








Module 6


1relaxing  2however  3more  4arrive  5taking


1B  2B  3A  4C  5A  6C  7C  8A  9C  10B

11C  12C  13A  14C  15D


1Skiing is more difficult than skating.

2Skiing is more expensive than running. Nothing else, but running shoes.

3Gymnastics is more dangerous than basketball, I think.

4I don't like swimming. Rowing is more relaxing than swimming.

5Hockey is more boring than table tennis. I like playing table tennis.


A1A turtle moves more slowly than a rabbit.

2An elephant is bigger than a cow.

3An elephant lives longer than a dog.

4A whale stays under water longer than a dolphin.

5A bear runs faster than a person.

B1He doesn't like running or skiing.

2Daming is good at playing basketball.

3In China, table tennis is more popular than volleyball.

4I like history because it's very interesting.

5She always does her homework carefully.


1D  2B  3A  4A  5C  6B  7B  8B  9A  10C


A1D  2D  3B

B1D  2D  3A  4D


My favorite sport is basketball. I like it because I like Yao Ming. He is the best basketball player in China. I like playing basketball after school. I enjoy playing basketball with my friends. All of us want to play basketball as well as Yao Ming when we grow up.


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