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Module 5 My hometown and country 质量检测 作者:刘燕  

2011-04-18 20:33:30|  分类: 7年级英语 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Module 5  My hometown and country




hometown, east, south, kilometer, metre, coast, hill, island, population, answer, question, north, west, river, church, capital, lake, mountain, village, region, fact


answer, question


east, south, high, busy, north, west, famous, low, wide













Beijing is in the east of China.

Urumqi is in the west of China.

Haikou is in the south of China.

Harbin is in the north of China.

The city Cambridge is on the river Cam.

Washington D.C. and New York City are big cities on the east coast.

The river is 336 kilometers long.






1Beijing is the c ________ of China.

2The King's family are very religious (宗教的). They go to c________ every Sunday.

3China is a country with a large p________.

4My hometown is a small v________ near the Yellow River.

5I would like Tom to a ________ my question.

6After the film, she becomes f________. There are always a lot of fans waiting outside her house.


7The animal in the ________ of the cat is the dog.

8The animal in the ________ of the cat is the monkey.

9The animal in the ________ of the cat is the pig.

10The animal in the ________ of the cat is the rabbit.


1This new building is about________.

A100 meters high        B100-meters-high   C100-meter high    D100 meter high

2Beijing has a population of thirteen ________.

Athousand                  Bthousands            Cmillion                 Dmillions

3________ is the population of China?

AWhat                        BHow many           CHow much          DHow

4Shanghai is a big city ________ the east coast of China.

Aby                            Bon                       Cin                       Dat

5In Kunming, it's never very hot, ________ very cold.

Aor                            Band                     Cbut                     Dso

6The Changjiang River is ________ than any other river in China.

Ashort                        Bshorter                Clong                    Dlonger

7Cambridge is a small town that is famous ________ Cambridge University. Betty's father works as ________ university teacher there.

Ato, a                         Bin, an                  Cfor, a                  Dfor, an

8— ________________?

— It's fine, but a little windy.

AWhat is the weather like                             BHow is the weather like

CWhat does the weather like                        DHow does the weather like

9London is the ________ of the UK, ________ seven million people.

Aregion, with              Bcapital, have         Cregion, have         Dcapital, with

10Our classroom is ________ than________.

Abrighter, them    bright, theirs                Cbrighter, their       Dbrighter, theirs

11— Which is ________, an elephant or a tiger?

— An elephant.

Aheavy                     Blight                    Cheavier                Dlighter

12— What time do you usually get up, Rick?

— I usually get up ________ six o'clock.

Ain                           Bat                        Cfor                      Don

13Be careful, ________ you will fall off the tree.

Aso                          Bbut                      Cor                       Dand

14Lingling comes ________ than any other student in her class every day. She always helps other students clean the classroom.

Avery earlier              Bmuch earlier         Cearly                   Dmore earlier

15— What do you think of the new movie?

— It's good. But the one we saw last month is even ________ than it.

Agood                      Bbetter                  Cbest                    Dwell



1My brother is 10He is ________ than me, and I am ________ than him. young, old

2Harbin is ________ than Wuhan, and Wuhan is ________ than Harbin. cold, warm

3An elephant is ________ than a cow, and a cow is ________ than an elephant. big, small

4The airport in Hong Kong is ________ than the airport in Urumqi sometimes. busy

5I get 95, and he gets 85 in the English test. My mark is ________ than his, and his mark is ________ than mine. high, low



________________________________________ Guangzhou?


Britain is ________________________________ country.


Is France ________________________________ than the UK?


His mother ________________________________________.


There are many big cities ________________________________ of China.


Most people do not like to stay at home on holidays. They want to  1   to see something different or do something exciting.   2   people   3   come to the city and those from the city go to the country   4  .

  5   trains, buses and planes are all   6  . It is very hard to buy train or air tickets. Usually   7   people take cars or buses for traveling on holidays. In fact, it is   8   to take a bus than to   9   a plane. So I prefer to take   10   for traveling.

1Aget up                      Bgo out                 Ctake a plane         Dgo with me

2ABut                          BFew                    CSo                      DAnd

3Afrom the west           Bin the city            Cin our school       Dfrom the country

4Afor holidays              Bfor the summer    Cfor a week           Dfor a while

5AOn Saturday                                             BDuring the holidays

COn Sunday                                               DIn the morning

6Aearly                        Bcheap                  Clate                     Dbusy

7Aonly a few                Bfew                     Cmany                  Dall

8Acheaper                    Bmore expensive    Cfaster                  Dfarther

9Aride                          Btake                    Cmake                  Dhave

10Aa walk                    Ba train                 Ca bus                  Da plane



Public Beaches

Hong Kong has about 40 public beaches (公共海滩). Some of the beaches are among the best in the world. People can go there for a swim. You can go to most of them by bus. To go to some beaches you must take a boat. There are toilets, changing rooms and places to buy food and drink on most of the beaches.

You will swim there without danger if you remember these instructions (说明): 1Never swim alone (独自). 2Never swim after a meal or when you feel hungry or tired. 3Do not stay in the water too long. 4Never go out in a boat if you can't swim.

Remember: A red flag (旗子)means that it is dangerous for anybody to go into the water. A blue flag means that it is dangerous for children.

1There are ________ public beaches in Hong Kong.

Aforty                        Bless than forty      Cmore than forty    Dabout forty

2We can reach ________ by bus.

Aall the public beaches                                 Bany public beaches

Conly a few public beaches                          Dalmost all the public beaches

3When you see a blue flag, you know that ________.

Awomen should not swim                            Bchildren should not swim

Cnobody should swim                                  Danybody can swim

4Which of the following is true according to this passage?

AYou can always swim when you see a red flag.

BYou should not swim with other people.

CYou should not swim after the lunch.

DYou can't swim for a short time.

5This passage mainly tells us ________.

Asomething about Hong Kong's beaches and swimming there

Bthat swimming in Hong Kong is dangerous

Cthat Hong Kong has many best beaches in the world

Dit is not easy to swim in Hong Kong


Mr. Gao lives in town. When he was twenty-five, his son was born. He calls him Gao Ling. His little boy is very clever and his parents love him very much.

It's September the 1st today. A new school year begins. Gao Ling is happy and wears his most beautiful clothes. He's going to school with his new bag.

"Let me take you to school, dear," said Mrs. Gao.

"Thank you, Mummy." said the boy. "The school is not far from here, I can walk there myself."

At the school, a teacher met the little boy and asked, "What's your name? My little friend."

"Gao Ling, Sir." answered the boy.

"How old are you?"

"Six, sir."

"What's your father's name?"

"Gao Dalin, sir."

"How old is he?"

"He is six too, sir."

"Oh," the teacher said in surprise, "Is he as old as you?"

"Yes, sir," said the boy. "He became a father at the time when I was born."

1Mr. Gao is ________ now.

Asix                           Btwenty-five          Cthirty-one            Dthirty-five

2Gao Ling is in Grade ________ now.

AOne                         BTwo                   CFive                    DSix

3Gao Ling went to school ________.

Aby car                      Bon foot                Cby train               Dby bike

4Gao Ling thought ________.

Ahis father and he were born on the same day

Bhis father was younger than he.

Chis father forgot to tell him about his age

DGao Dalin became a father six years ago




New York


13 million

7.32 million


16808 square kilometers

945 square kilometers


the east of China

the east coast of America

Famous for

the Forbidden City, the Great Wall

the Wall Street(华尔街),United Nation(联合国总部)






Shanghai is bigger than Hong Kong.                      上海比香港大。

Dalian is smaller than Shanghai.                            大连比上海小。

Shanghai is busier than Hong Kong.                      上海比香港更繁忙。


1)单音节形容词的比较级是在词尾加-ergreat — greater

2)以-e结尾的单音节形容词的比较级是在词尾加-rwide — wider

3)少数以-y, -er, -ow, -ble结尾的双音节形容词的比较级是在词尾加-er clever — cleverer

4)以-y结尾,但-y前是辅音字母的形容词的比较级是把-y去掉,加上-ier构成。happy — happier

5)以一个辅音字母结尾其前面的元音字母发短元音的形容词的比较级是双写该辅音字母然后再加-erbig — bigger


On July 19, this year, I took a plane to Tokyo, Japan, with my parents. Then, we flew to Los Angeles together. On the morning of July 20, we arrived in Los Angeles. It was sunny. I was very happy because this is the first time that I have been in the US. I felt everything there was new to me. The weather was so pleasant. But it was colder than that in China. After we got off the plane, we took a bus directly to my aunt's house.

The next day, my aunt led my parents and me to Disneyland in California. It was sunny and hot. We took a roller coaster (过山车)before we drifted along with the waves. Besides, we saw a 4D movie Shirek 2I got Goofy's autograph (签名). That made me happy.

The third day, we went to visit the Universal Studios Hollywood (好莱坞环球影城). We visited the scene (布景)in which a film was being made. That was very interesting. After that, we went to the Ghost House. At last, we watched a new program—Terrible Mummy. It was very terrible.

The fourth day, we went to the Golden Gate Bridge. It was cold. The Bridge was orange. It is very big, bigger than Yangtze River Bridge. On the Bridge, we found that the sea and the mountains were covered with mists (薄雾).

On the morning of July 25, we returned to Los Angeles Airport and from there we flew to Hong Kong. The travel was great fun.


Module 5


1capital  2church  3population  4village  5answer  6famous  7north

8west  9south  10east


1A  2C  3A  4B  5A  6D  7C  8A  9D

10D  11C  12B  13C  14B  15B


A1younger, older

2colder, warmer

3bigger, smaller


5higher, lower

B1What is the population of

2an island

3bigger or smaller

4is good at gymnastics and table tennis

5on the southeast coast


1B  2C  3D  4A  5B  6D  7A  8A  9B  10C


A1D  2D  3B  4C  5A

B1C  2A  3B  4D


Beijing and New York are two big cities. Beijing is in the east of China. New York is on the east coast of America. Beijing has larger population than New York. New York is smaller than Beijing with 945 square kilometers. Beijing is an old city and famous for the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. The Wall Street and United Nation in New York are famous in the world.


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