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Module 7  

2011-05-06 06:38:51|  分类: 七年级英语 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Module 7 Unit 1 Tony has the longest journey

时间:20115      编制:    审核:初一英语教研组


1.     Master the new words in this unit.

2.     Master the using way of important sentences.

3.     Can ask sb. how to get to sp. in English



Step 1: Check the now words in Module 7.

Step 2: Free talk

How do you go to school?

I live far from school, so I go to school by bus. Its cheap. What about you?

I live close to school. So I walk to school

Step 3: Read and find out the phrases.

1. 到达学校___________  2. 乘公共汽车_________________

3. 最危险的路__________    4. 乘火车__________________

5. 去工作, 去上班__________  6. 靠近学校______________

7. 离学校最远_____________ 

Step 4: Language points.

. 根据例句进行总结

How does she go to school?

I go to school by bus.=I go to school on a bus.=I take a bus to school.


1. ___________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________


He sometimes goes to work by train.

(1) 同义句: __________________________________________

(2) 划线部分提问: ____________________________________

. 1. Its the best way to get to school.

此句的句式结构为: _________________________________

2. Its the best way for us to learn English.

延伸: _____________________________________________


Take a train is the best way _______arrive Jinan.

A. in  B. to  C. at  D. of

. 1. What about you?

   2. What about a cup of tea?

   3. What about going swimming?

总结: What about的用法: _______________________________


What about ________(take) a train to Beijing?

. 1. He lives farthest from the school.

   2. Her home is the closest to the school.

总结: ________________________________________________


Step 5: Fill in blanks.

A: 1. __________________________.

B: 2. __________________, so he has the longest journey. He goes by bus. 3. ____________________________

A: How does Daming get to school?

B: 4. __________________ because he goes by bicycle.

A: But 5. ____________________. And what about Lingling?

B: 6. ______________________, so she walks. Does Dad always go to work by taxi?

A: Yes, its the most expensive way, but 7. _________________

________________. He sometimes takes the train, but 8. ______




1. Who is the m________ popular teacher in your school?

2. Shanghai is one of the b________ cities in China.

3. There are many people in the zoo. Its very c__________.

4. Going to work by taxi is the most e________way.

5. Jenny sometimes t_________ the train to Beijing.

6. Tony lives f_______ from the school, so he has the longest journey.


1. 乘车是去上学最好的方式.

  Going by bus is _________________________to go to school.

2. 它是世界上最快的火车.

   Its _____________ train in the world.

3. 你弟弟怎样到达学校?

  How ___________ your brother __________________school?


1. Its _________most beautiful picture of the three.

A. a  B. /  C. an  D. the

2. How do you get to Beijing? ____________.

A. On plane.  B. By plane.  C. In plane.  D. In planes.

3. The Changjiang River is the _______ river in China.

A. long  B. longest  C. short  D. shortest

4. I think the best way ______Qingdao is taking the bus.

  I dont think so. Taking the train or the plane is more interesting.

A. getting to  B. get in  C. to get to  D. to gets to

5. Travelling _______bus is safer than going by car.

A. in  B. on  C. for  D. by

Module 7 Unit 2

时间:20115      编制:    审核:初一英语教研组


1. Master the new words in this unit

2. Master the using way of important sentences.

3. Master the information about traveling times.


Step 1: Check the language points about Unit 1 and the new words.

Step 2: Free talk.

Step 3: Read the text and find out the phrases.

1. 在世界上_________  2. 从一个地方到另一个地方_______

3. 最快的火车_________  4. 最快的方式_____________

5. 同样的路程___________  6. 最繁忙的国际航空公司之一_

7. 最受欢迎的飞机__________  8. 8000多千米的距离______

9. 最著名的渡船____________  10. 最安全的旅行方式_____

11. 在公共汽车站___________  12. 数百万的_____________

13. 长途旅行____________  14. 客运码头_____________

15. 最有趣的方式____________  16. 最舒服的方式________

Step 4: Language points.

1. The same journey takes about 30 minutes by car.

拓展: take意思为 “花费”, 常用结构为:

It takes us two hours to do my homework.

总结: __________________________________

专练: (1) 我花了两个小时踢足球. ______________________

(2) 到中国旅行花了他们大约三周时间.


2. so British Airways is one of the busiest international airlines.

one of +____________; 意思是: ____________; 它作主语时,谓语动词用______.

专练: (1) 高老师是我们学校最受欢迎的老师之一.


(2) 长城是世界上最伟大的建筑物之一.


3. It goes from London to Beijing, a distance of over 8000 kilometres in 9  hours.

(1) fromto 从…到…

专练: (1) 你能从一数(count)到一百吗?


     (2) 从学校到家大约共费我10分钟时间.


(2) 9  hours 读作: nine and a half hours/ nine and one second hours


专练: 两天半________; 一年半_________; 两个半小时___


. 据首字母提示完成单词

1. There are lots of people at eh bus s________.

2. The same journey t________ about 30 minutes by car.

3. Sometimes the train is m________ expensive than a taxi.

4. The m________ popular plane is the Boeing 747.

5. Many p______are waiting in the ferry terminal.

6. Hainan I_____ is the second largest island in China.

7. Every year, m______of travelers go to the Great Wall.

8. Whats the most c_______ way to get from Shanghai Station to Pudong Airport?

. 用所给词的适当形式填空

1. ________(million) of passengers travel there every year.

2. Its the most comfortable way ________(travel).

3. What is the _______(high) of that mountain?

4. The bus is always too _______(crowd) at this time of day.

5. She is ______(good) at English than I.

6. Its _______(danger) to go across the street when the traffic light is red.

. 据汉语提示完成句子

1. 我认为骑自行车比游泳危险得多.

I think cycling is _____________________than swimming.

2. 北京航线是国际最繁忙的航线之一.

Beijing Airways is one of _________________.

3. 你的自行车比我的新得多.

Your bike is __________________than ________________.

4. 英式足球在英国是一项很受欢迎的运动.

Soccer is __________________________game in England.

5. 你喜欢下班后进行体育锻炼吗?

Do you like ____________________________after work?

Module 7 Unit 3

时间:20115      编制:   审核:初一英语教研组






Step 1: how   将下列问题做完:画线部分提问

1. Its fine today.

2. He goes to school by bus.

3. Lingling has two cats.

4. It takes me half an hour to do my homework.

5. She wants a little water.

6. My brother is seventeen years old.


(1) 完成上述问题后,总结how的用法:___________________

(2) 完成活动1 (P48)

Step 2: 总结形容词最高级的变换规则

1. (1) tall_______  (2) long______ (3) small_______

总结: ___________________________________________

2. (1)fine_______  (2) close______ (3) nice_______

总结: ___________________________________________

3. (1) busy_______  (2) easy______ (3) early_______

总结: ___________________________________________

4. (1) hot_______  (2) big______ (3) fat_______

总结: ___________________________________________

5. (1) dangerous_______  (2) expensive______

(3) uncomfortable_______

总结: ___________________________________________

6. 特殊: (1) good_______  (2) bad_______

(3) many/much_______  (4) far_______

Step 3: 形容词、副词最高级用法区别

1. Its the most expensive way, but its the most comfortable.

2. British Airways is one of the busiest international airlines.

3. Tony lives farthest from the school.

4. The most popular way is by ferry.

总结: ________________________________________________


Step 4. Read Around the world.

1. Read and translate

2. The language points:

(1) fromto

(2) on the east coast(of)

(3) the most comfortable way to(to do/to+)

Step 5. Ask and answer.

1. Read the model sentences.

2. Ask and answer in pairs.

3. Make sentences by themselves according to the table.

Step 6. Do exercises in class.



. 据汉语提示完成单词

1. How many ______(乘客) are there on the bus?

2. Her home is ______() to school than my home.

3. Travelling by plane is the ________(最快) way.

4. He ______(了解) me very well.

5. Tokyo subway is the most ________(拥挤的) in the world.

. 对画线部分提问

1. Her father usually goes to work by car.


2. Its over 20 kilometres from Maoming to Dianbai.


3. It takes him five hours to make a nice kite.


4. The Shanghai-Pudong Express is the fastest train in the world.




1. famous________ ________  2. well _______ _______

3. large _______ _______     4. early _______ _______

5. thin _______ _______      6. slowly _______ _______


1. He is _______(tall) of the three boys.

2. Which is ______(comfortable) way to Shanghai, by train, by plane or by ship, Jane?

3. Of all the girls, Lucy is _______(beautiful) one.

4. What is _______(interesting) way to Beijing of all?

5. Its ______(famous) ferry in the world.


1. 公共汽车票不贵,可在公共汽车站买。

The bus _______ arent expensive and you can buy a ticket _______ the ______________.

2. 乘公共汽车旅行最安全最便宜,所以每年数百万美国人采用此方式旅行。

Its the _______ and _______ way to travel by bus, so every year _______________ Americans go by bus.

3. 从上海火车站到蒲东机场怎样走最舒适?

Whats ______________________ way to get from Shanghai Station to Pudong ________?

4. 从天津开发区到大连最有趣的旅行方式是乘火车。

It is the ________________________ to get from TEDA to Dalian by train.

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