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Module3 Journey to space Unit 2  

2011-06-22 10:42:51|  分类: 八年级英语 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Module3  Journey to space学案   总编号:10

Unit 2 We haven’t found life other planets yet.

命题人   审题人 

一、Learning aims

1.Grasp the key words and key structures:

Planet, solar,none,environment,galaxy,,billion, universe,,light,beyond,alone,entrance,prefer

2.Present perfect tense with just, already and yet.

3.Reading skill: To understand passages about space travel involving present perfect tense. 4.Affection and attitudes: We should love science and our country.

二、Learn by youselves


1.       The earth is a p ____ and we live on it.

2.       Scientists have discovered many other galaxies in the u ____.

3.       Scientists think that there has been life on Earth for m____ of years.

4.       L____ travels much faster than sound.

5.       A b____ is 1.000,000,000.

6.       If you don’t want to go a____(单独) ,I’ll go with you .

7.       I ____(喜欢)apples when I was young.

8.Some spacecrafts have gone b____(在---之外)the solar system.

9. Yang Liwei is a famous _________ (宇航员) of our country.

10. They have __________ (发现) many kinds of plants in the forest.

11. We haven’t seen each other _______(最近).

12. My father watches TV to get the ______ (最新的) news.

13. The ______ (地球) goes round the Sun


1.protect the environment                    5.太空站

2.sth. cost (sb.) some money                6.环绕

3.the entrance to …                                       7.我们星系的一小部分

4.several billion dollars                                       8.太阳系


?          take / spend / cost / pay

?          take 常见的用法有以下几种:

?            1It  takes sb.+time + to do sth.

?          2doing sth. takes sb.+ time

?          spend 的主语必须是人,常用于以下结构

?            1spend time / money on sth.

?          2spend time / money (in) doing sth.

?          cost 的主语是物或某种活动,还可以表示

?            ,常用于以下结构:

?            1sth. costs (sb.) + money

?          2(doing) sth. costs (sb.) + time

?          pay 基本用法:

?            1pay (sb.) money for sth.

?                付钱(给某人)买……

?            2) pay for sth.   ……的钱

?            3) pay for sb.    为某人付钱

?          prefer v. 更喜爱,宁可,宁愿

?          prefer sth. to sth.  ……相比,更喜欢……

?          prefer doing / to do   喜欢做……

?          prefer doing to doing (=prefer to do rather than do=would rather do than do)  ……相比,更喜欢做……

?          eg. I prefer bananas to apples. 与苹果相比,我更喜欢香蕉。

?             I prefer walking to cycling, 我宁愿步行也不骑自行车。

?             I prefer to walk rather than (to) cycle.= I would rather walk than cycle. 我宁愿步行也不骑自行车。


?          1.我宁愿跑步也不骑自行车。

?          I prefer ______to______.

?          =   I prefer ______ ______ rather than ______.

?          = I would rather ______ than ______.

?          2.买自行车花了我300 元。

?          The bike _____ me 300 yuan yesterday.

?          I ______ 300 yuan ______ the bike.

?          It ______ ______ 300yuan ______ ______ th e bike .

?          I ______ 300 yuan ______ the bike.

?          I ______ 300 yuan ______ the bike.


?          1.许多科学家认为地球上存在生命有上百万年,

?          Many scientists think there ____ _____ life on Earth for _____ _____years.

?          2.地球围着太阳转。

?            The earth ____ ____ the sun.


  Scientists ____ ____ many other galaxies in the universe.


  Have they tried to ____ ____ ____ us?


         There are ____ ____ 200 billion stars ____ ____ ____.

       6. How much is the sweater?(同意句)

          ____ ____ does this sweater ____?

          What’s ____ ____ ____thissweater


  1. The sun is a _____ in the solar system. The Earth is a _______ and it goes around the Sun.
  2. Although there are_______ planets around the Sun.
  3. There are more than 200 billion stars in _________________________.
  4. There are many galaxies in the ________.
  5. We have sent lots of spacecraft to __________________,   but we __________________________on other planets.
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