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八年级上 Module5 Western music。 Unit 2 Vienna is the centre of European classical music  

2011-06-25 21:38:56|  分类: 八年级英语 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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. 学习目标

1.学习掌握新词汇及短语:centre, drum, guitar, organ, trumpet, violin, elder, waltz, younger, die, addition, in addition to, rest

2. To understand the description of Vienna and composers

. 单词测评

1.吉他__________             2.管风琴___________    

3.小号__________             4.华尔兹___________

5.The bank is in the c________ of the town.

6.Every year thousands of peoples d____ in accidents.

7.I don’t know how to play the v________. Can you teach me?

8.He finished some of the exercises at school and did the r________ at home.

9.They beat the d_______ to celebrate(庆祝) their success.


Williams _______ ________ and Williams ________ _________ are both famous tennis players.


What did you buy _______ __________ _________ the book?

. 自学指导


A.Which city is the passage about?

B.Who are mentioned in the passage?


阅读Part 1 概括Vienna 的情况

A. A beautiful old city on ________________________.

B. The capital city of ________________________.

C. The center of ____________________________.(Why?)

阅读Part 2 and Part 3 回答下列问题

A.The elder played music for a classical dance – a waltz, didn’t he?

B.The younger played the same music, didn’t he?

C.The father was more popular than his son, wasn’t he?

D.The son wrote the Blue Danube, didn’t he?

⑶阅读Part 4 介绍Mozart

When and where was he born?

When did he die?


What instruments(乐器) did he play?



When did he write his first opera?

. 知识点扫描

 1. The son, Johann Strauss the younger, was even more successful and popular than his father.

  much, far, a little, even, quite, a lot, still等词可放在比较级前,表示强调,意思是更加, 越发, 有些等. 


    Yao Ming is ______________ than Yi Jianlian.

2. He wrote more than 400 waltzes and his most famous one was The Blue Danube.

    more than = over     (放于数词前)多于;以上


Mr Zhang has taught here for _____________ 20 years .

3. Before he was six he played not only the piano, but also the violin and the organ.

  not only…but also…  不仅而且  谓语动词采用就近原则

   Not only you but also he is going to study music in Vienna.

   Not only he but also you ____  going to study music in Vienna.

4. He wrote his first opera at the age of 12 and hundreds of beautiful pieces of music for the classical orchestra.

at the age of 12  12      hundreds of  数百


He has ____________ books but most of them hang by the wall.

. 当堂检测

I. 英汉互译。





5.不仅而且              6. 几百首动听的乐曲

7.12岁时                 8.欧洲最伟大的作曲家


1. She has _________(die) for three years.

2. My _________ brother is two years ______(old) than me.

3.The daughter is even _________ (success) than her father.

4.Many composers and __________(music) came to study and work in Beijing.

5. The woman is one of  ____ _______(great) European _________(composer).


not only…but also, at the age of, be famous for, on earth, a piece of

1.      _____________music came to my ears.

2.      They speak English ________  in class _________ in the dormitory.

3.      _____________ seven, she could swim.

4.      Dalian ________ its seafood and beautiful scenery.

5.      Who _________ is late for school today?

IV. 单项选择。

(  ) 1. You can improve your English ________ reading more.

A. in          B. with            C.by              D. of

(  ) 2. ---If there are _____ people driving, there will be _____air pollution?

      --Yes, the air will be fresher.

A.less;less.        B. less;fewer   C. fewer; fewer   D. fewer; less

(  ) 3.—You haven’t been to Austria, have you?

---__________ . It’s great!

A. Yes,I have.      B. Yes,I haven’t    C.No, I haven’t   D. No I have

(  ) 4. Not only you but also David________ to Liu Huan’s concert.

A.have gone       B. have been       C. has gone     D. has been

(  )5. WEST LIFE is famous ________ the song My Love.

A. to          B. at         C.of         D. for

V. 句型转换和根据汉语完成句子

1. When he was fourteen, he left for Tai’an. (改为同义句)

_______ _______ ________ ______ fourteen, he left for Tai’an.

2.Johann Strauss the younger wrote more than 400 waltzes. (就划线部分提问)

________ _______ ________ did Johann Strauss the younger write?

3. My friends liked dance music better.(改为简单句)

My friends __________ dance music.



5. 儿子的话使妈妈很伤心。

The son’s words ________ the mother ________ __________.

. 中考直通车(反意疑问句)

1.Tom isn’t good at singing, _________ ___________?

2.Let’s have a rest, ________ ___________?

3.It looks like rain, _________ __________?

4.She has never been to Beijing, _________ ___________?

5.My sister isn’t doing her homework now, __________ ___________?

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