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2011-09-27 10:47:16|  分类: 2011年中考英语试 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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2011山东菏泽】四、任务型阅读(5小题;每小题2分,满分10) < xmlnamespace prefix ="o" ns ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


It is said that more than four million people die each year from smoking. That number is frightening.

Yet people around the world continue to smoke. In the United States, about forty-seven-million adults smoke. This year, more than 430,000 Americans died of diseases which have something to do with smoking. The American Cancer Society(美国癌症协会)says smoking harms the body greatly. It warns that smoking even a number of cigarettes is dangerous.

It’s (63) ______________________________(戒烟是不容易的。)However, doctors say you probably will live longer if you do stop smoking. You will feel better and look better. You also will protect the health of family members who breathe your smoke.

There is not one right way to stop smoking, doctors say. Any way can help. You can take long walks or spend time in places where smoking is not allowed. Also, you can eat a small piece of fruit or vegetable instead of having a cigarette. (64)The sooner you stop smoking, the more you’ll reduce (减少) your chances of getting cancer and other diseases.

Stop smoking before smoking stops you!


61. How many people die from smoking each year?


62. What does the American Cancer Society say about smoking?



63. It’s______________________________________________________.


64. _________________________________________________________.


65. _________________________________________________________

61. More than four million people die from smoking each year.

62. The American Cancer Society says smoking harms the body greatly.

63. not easy to give up smoking.


65. Stop smoking before smoking stops you!



< xmlnamespace prefix ="v" ns ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" />

A.      Now pick up the scissors. Hold the paper carefully and cut through it. Keep the small piece of string between you and the scissors, so you do not cut the string.

B.      “Magic string” is a popular magic trick. You can do this trick for your friends or family. You just need a piece of paper, a piece of string and some scissors. That’s all.

C.      Pick up the paper and fold side A down. Now your friends can see side B, but they can’t see side A. Side A is shorter than B, so it does not cover the string. Push the middle of the string up, and fold C up over A. Now most of the string is inside the paper, but a small piece of the string is outside. You can see it but your friends can’t.

D.     Put one hand over the paper, and then pull the string out slowly with your other hand. The string is still in one long piece!

E.      First, fold the paper so that it is like the paper in the picture. Side A is shorter than side B, but not much shorter. Side C is much shorter than Side B. Show the long piece of string so that people can look at it. Put this piece of string on the paper.

56. ___________ 57. __________  58. __________ 59. ______________ 60. ________


56. B.【解析】由首句可以看出本段是这篇短文的开始部分,文章中又提到“You just need a piece of paper , a piece of paper string and some scissors. 故与第一个小图片吻合。

57. E.【解析】本段由“First, fold the paper so that”可知应该是与第一段相衔接,故与第二个小图片吻合。

58. C.【解析】根据本段文中“Side A is shorter Side B, so it does not cover the string.” 可知应该第三个小图片吻合。

59. A.【解析】本段中提到“Hold the paper carefully and cut through it.” 故与第四个小图片吻合

60. D.【解析】由本段文中可知“Put one hand over the paper, and then pull the string out slowly with the other hand.”与最后一个小图片吻合。



    Do you like coke? Do you know we can cook chicken with it? And does it have anything to do with our mobile phones? The latest cell phone, the “Coke Phone”, by the Chinese designer Daizi Zheng is a surprise.

Daizi Zheng is a famous designer in England. The Nokia company asked her to design a phone that is not bad for the environment. As a result of her research, she found that normal phone batteries are expensive and bad for the environment. It also uses many good resources(资源)to make a normal battery. So she wanted to design a battery that is green. Then a Nokia cellphone that drinks coke was born.

The cell phone has a bio-battery(生物电池).It gets power from sugar. So users only need to pour a glass of coke into it, and then watch the coke turn into power. Once the battery dies, only oxygen and water are left. Bio-batteries can last three to four times longer than the usual batteries. In fact, Zheng said that not only coke but also soda(苏打)with sugar can be good resources to power the cell phone.

    If so, you may never look at a can of coke in the same way again.

106. The “Coke Phone” is the ________ cell phone that is designed ________ a Chinese girl.

107. The normal phone batteries are ________and do ________ to the environment.

108. The Chinese girl designed a bio-battery to________ the ________of a normal phone battery.

109. Coke and soda with sugar can ________ the “Coke Phone” ________ power.

110. From the passage, we know coke has ______ use besides being used to _____ and a drink.

106. latest, by  107. expensive, harm   108. take, place  109. provide, with 

110. another, cook



56. Li Jing, a thin girl, likes French fries, fruits and ice-cream. She doesn’t like rice. She often feels tired and doctor suggests that she eat some more meat such as beef or pork.

57. Peng Tao, a heavy boy, likes hamburgers, hotdogs and pizzas very much. Chocolate is his favorite. But his parents don’t want him to eat too much, especially ice-cream.

58. Zhang Qi, a tall girl, likes running. Her favorite food is pizza. She exercises a lot and eats a lot. She likes coffee and she only drinks apple juice when she has to.

59. Bai Lei, a hungry boy, can’t live without rice and never eats seafood. He likes orange juice but not apple. He doesn’t want to spend more than 10 dollars for one meal.

60. Ding Yi is a 16-year-old girl. Her family don’t eat pork. She likes fish and potato chips. Her favorite drink is milkshake.

56. F  根据第一句话的“likes French fries, fruits and ice-cream和最后一句话“doctor suggests that she eat some more meat such as beef or pork”,可判断选图F

57. A  据第一句话“likes hamburgers, hot dogs and pizzas very much.和第二句话可判断选图A

58D  根据第二句话“Her favorite food is pizza.”和最后一句话,可判断选图D

59C  据第二句话“He like orange juice but not apple”,可判断选图C

60E  由最后一句话可推断选图E

2011山东泰安】第二节 任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


< xmlnamespace prefix ="w" ns ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" />Draw a giraffe in your mind. How did you draw your giraffe? Does it have a long neck? Does it have long legs? Is it really tall? When people think of giraffes, they think of their long necks. A long neck and four long legs make the giraffe the tallest land animal on earth. A giraffe is < xmlnamespace prefix ="st1" ns ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />1.8m tall when it is born, and some giraffes get up to 6m tall when they are all grown up.

But did you know that giraffes also have long tongues? Have you seen the tongue of a giraffe before? A giraffe has a very long tongue which can hold and wrap () around objects. The tongue is designed for feeding, but it can be used in many different ways. For example, a giraffe can close its nose with its long tongue completely to keep out sand and dust. Also, a giraffe’s tongue is long enough to clean its owner’s ears as well!

The tongue is black in colour to protect it from getting sunburnt (晒伤). It is nearly 56cm long. Giraffe only eat plants, and a full grown giraffe can eat 33kg of leaves a day. When giraffes look for some tall trees to eat, they sometimes fight with elephants for food. Giraffes use their tongue to eat leaves from some tall trees. The giraffe’s tongue is a helpful tool for reaching leaves and breaking off branches.


86. What is this article mainly about?


87. What does a giraffe feed on?


88. What color is the tongue of a giraffe? Why?


89. Give two examples of the use of the giraffe’s tongue.

(1) ___________________________________ (2) ______________________________


90. ________________________________________________________________________

86. Giraffes’ long tongues. / The long tongues of giraffes. / Giraffes have long tongues.

87. Plants. / Leaves. / Leaves from trees.

88. It’s black. / Black.   To protect it from getting sunburnt.

89. Feeding. / Close its nose to keep out sand and dust. / Clean its ears.

/ Reach leaves and break off branches. / Eat leaves from some tall trees.

90. 长颈鹿有一个长脖子和四条长腿,是地球上最高的陆地动物。



A. There will probably be no school on Mars.

B. It might take us two or three days to get to Mars.

C. There is a problem for us to live on Mars.

D. Food will not be the same.

E. First, people will have more space.

Many people believe that, by the year 2100, we will live on the planet Mars(火星). Here is what life could be like.

First of all, transport should be much better. By 2100, spaceship can travel at half the speed of light.   66 

Secondly, humans need food, water and air to live. Scientists should be able to find plants that can grow on Mars. These plants will provide us with food and air.

  67   We could easily jump too high and fly slowly away into space. To prevent this, humans on Mars have to wear special shoes to make themselves heavier.

Life on Mars will be better in many ways.   68   It is possible to live in a large building with many bedrooms. Then, robot will do most of the work, so we have more time for hobbies.

  69   Every student can study, do their homework on the computer and take exams in online schools. Each student will also have their own online teacher called “e-teacher”.

However, in some ways, life on Mars may not be better than that on the earth today.   70  Meals will probably be in the shape of pills(药片) and will not be as delicious as they are today. Also, space travel will make many people feel ill.





69A 本段介绍学生上学方面的问题,故选A




Keep in Touch

You can keep in touch with your friends in many ways. You can call them. You can send letters or e-mails to them. You can even use a website like Facebook to keep in touch with them.

Touch Luck

“Touch Luck” is used when you feel sympathy(同情)about something bad that has happened to someone. But it is also used when you don’t have any sympathy for someone’s problems.

Touch Screen

You can find touch screens everywhere now. They are fun and easy to use! You touch the screen to choose what you want. Many mobile phones and music players have touch screens. Many ATMs have them, too. You can also use them to buy tickets.


When you watch an American football game, you will hear the word “touchdown”. A touchdown happens when a player carries the ball across the other team’s goal(球门) line. When a player makes a touchdown, he scores(得分)six points for his team!

The Midas Touch

Midas was a king in an old Greek story. He loved money very much! He wished that everything he touched would turn to gold. His wish came true. Everything he touched --- his furniture, his food, and even his daughter----turned to gold.

A. keep in touch     B. touch luck     C. touch screen   D. touchdown       E. the Midas touch

71. ---- I didn’t get the job. ---- Oh, _______!

72. I often _______ with my friends by chatting on QQ.

73. If someone has “_______”, he is very good at making money.

74. Last night the football team needed just one more _______ to win the game.

75. The mobile phone doesn’t work, because something is wrong with the _______.

71.B  72. A  73. E 74. D  75. C



Tigers are fierce animals. They are the bosses of the Asian jungles with their cleverness,

quickness and strength. A pussycat, on the other hand, is a homebody that comforts us with its

gentle warmth and calms us with its purring.

As a mother, the Chinese-American writer Amy Chua is definitely a tiger. Her book,

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother(虎妈战歌) . tells of the strict upbringing she gave her two

children. She thinks that being strict is the only way to develop a child's potential( 潜力) and

to make them strong, independent and successful. Her kids were not allowed to watch TV or

play video games. They were not allowed to "hang out" with other kids after school. They had

to be the top students in their classes. And they had to practice the piano and violin for hours

every day. As a result, her kids became successful. She admits this caused a lot of tears and

anger but she has few regrets (后悔).

Chua says, like her, most Asian mothers are tigers because they believe their children can

achieve a lot if they're pushed hard enough. She says American mothers are really pussycats.

They care more about their children's self-esteem (自尊). They don't want to push their kids

too hard for fear of hurting their feelings. American mothers encourage their children to find

their own path.

So, is a tiger mom better than a pussycat? Perhaps it depends on the differences between

Asian and Western cultures. It may also depend on the child himself. Some kids need to be

pushed while others respond to a gentler hand. To growl or to purr? There is no easy answer.

1. What's the Tiger Mother, Amy Chua's idea on children's education? (根据短文内容回答问题)


2. How did Amy Chua's kids become successful? (根据短文内容列举两条)



3. Why are most Asian mothers tigers? (根据短文内容回答问题)


4. 请将第三段中句子翻译成汉语。


5. What kind of mother would you like, a tiger or a pussycat? And why? (先回答,然后至少写一个句子说明原因)



1. She thinks that being strict is the only way to develop a child's potential and to make (hem

strong, independent and successful. (2 )

2. (1) They were not allowed to watch TV or play video games.

(2) They were not allowed to "hang out" with other kids after school.

(3) They had to be the top students in their classes.

(4) They had to practice the piano and violin for hours every day.


3. Because they believe their children can achieve a lot if they're pushed hard enough. (2 ^-)

4.美国妈妈鼓励孩子们寻找自己的人生道路。 (2分,答案不唯一,只要表达准确、通顺,与参考答案意思相近即可)

5. I’d like a tiger mother. Because it seems to be strict, but it's good for me. /I'd like a pussycat mother. Because I hate to be pushed hard. (2分,回答1分,说明原因1分。答案不固定,只要学生能表达清楚,写的句子符合要求,即可得分)

2011浙江宁波】. 任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题1 分,满分5 分)


A. Saving electric energy         B. Protecting forests           C. Saving water 

D. Protecting animals                 E. Producing less air pollution      




66. Henry often recycles water to clean his room and water the flowers.                        

67. Daphne always turns off the lights and the computer as soon as she leaves her office.        

68. Mr. White sometimes goes to work by bus or on foot instead of driving his car.                

69. Li Lei usually uses QQ or e-mail to communicate with his friends instead of paper letters. 

70. Miss Zhang never wears fur(皮草)clothes and she decides to eat less meat.   

Keys:   66. C     67. A     68. E     69. B     70. D


   Have you ever been to Taiwan? China’s biggest island? (1)你想到那里参观一下吗?We’ll show you the best of Taiwan island.

   A five-day tour.


  Only 5,000


  Round- trip plane tickets between Beijing and Taiwan.

  Bus service around Taiwan.

  Great tour guide service.


   Sun Moon Lake

   A beautiful lake. A small island. On one side of the island, the lake looks like the sun, and on the other side it looks like the moon. (3) This is why people call it Sun Moon Lake.

Ali Mountain

The nearest mountain around Sun Moon Lake. A nice experience to have a party with

Gaoshan people. A wonderful place to see a very beautiful sunrise.

Penghu Lake

A great place for swimming, fishing, boating and eating delicious fruit and fresh fish.

Gao Xiong

A great place to spend a full day shopping.

             Book (预定) Now

Office hours:

Monday-Friday: 9:00a.m---7:00p.m

Saturday: 9:00a.m---4:00p.m

Tel: 6459—9561

Book by phone now for next month.

1. 将文中划线部分(1)的汉语句子译成英语。


2. 在文中划线部分(2)的空白处填入一个英语单词以说明所谈论的话题。


3. How many places can tourists visit in Taiwan seconding to this passage?


4. 将文中划线部分(3)的英语句子译成汉语。


5. How long is the office hour on Saturday?


答案:1. Would you like to visit there?

2. Cost   3. Four

4. 这就是人们叫它日月潭的原因。

5Seven hours


  The students’ life today can be very stressful (紧张的). They are under pressure (压力) every day. They need a break from it. Parents should ask children to do something else. (4) ______ not let them relax in front of the TV. A hobby is the perfect answer.

  There are many different kinds of hobbies. Chess is a good example. It is a very enjoyable game and it also helps children develop their thinking skills.

  Collecting something is also a good hobby for children. A child can collect almost anything: key rings, stamps, postcards, old coins, etc. Many of these collecting can be both interesting and fun. They teach children a lot and broaden (益处). For example, gardening (). For example, gardening (园艺) is a useful hobby because it is a physical activity and it also teaches children about nature.

  (5) A hobby can be useful learning tool. Children may becomes experts in something if they really love their hobbies. Children will also learn to become more organized and make places. Hobbies will also teach children a lot about responsibility(责任).

6. 在文中划线部分(4)的空白处填入一个适当的连词使句意完整连贯。


7. 在短文中找出可以替换下面所给句子的一句话。

   It is a god hobby for children to collects something.


8.  How many kinds of hobbies can you find in this passage?


9. Why is gardening a useful hobby?


10 将文中划线部分(5)的英语句子译成汉语。


答案:6. But

7. Collecting something is also a good hobby for children.

8. Three

9. Because gardening is not only a physical activity but also it teaches children about nature.

10. 一个爱好可能成为有用的学习工具。


B)翻译  阅读短文,将文中划线部分译成汉语。(5小题,每小题2)

71. I_started this QQ group named BQ ( Baoqing) English Club two months ago. It has 30 members now. It is an English chatting place. Now we need some more mends who are interested in chatting m English.

72. Please remember the rules for our group members.

? Everyone in our group must speak in English with each other. 73. Don't keep silent for 10 days.

? We need friends in the same city. It is convenient for us to enjoy parties

? Chatting in English doesn't mean we pay more attention to English. To my mind, 74. Chinese is my first language and it's the most important.

? Don't send advertisements or any pictures here.

75. If you don't follow the rules above, we will ask you to leave.


71. 两个月之前我开办了这个QQ群,叫做BQ(宝庆)英语俱乐部。

72. 请记住我们QQ群成员的职责。

73. 不要10天之内都不发言。

74. 汉语是我的母语,它很重要。

75. 如果你不遵守上边的规则,我们会从群里把你移除。



       You many buy different things. Some, such as pencils, CDs or books, cost a little money; some cost a lot of money, bikes or toys, for example. (79) If you want to buy the right things for the right price, making a wise decision is very important. Making a good decision can save you money. So how can you make a good decision when you buy a product? (76)_____________

       Step 1: Know why you are buying a product

       Before buying a product, think about

n         how often and when you will use the product.

n         what the main use of the product is.

n         whether you need the product now or later.

       Step 2: Research the product

       If you have decided to buy it, you must want to buy the best one. You need to find out

n         what companies make the product.

n         The different prices of the product.

n         What others say shout the product.

n         Where you can buy the product.

You can shop in stores, online, or in factory outlets(厂家供销店).

       Step 3: Ask questions before you buy. For example, do I need to buy batteries?

       These steps will help you become a smart shopper. (76)_____________

       Remember, knowing a lot makes you a wise shopper!

76. ABC中为(76①②选出两个适当的选项,并将其字母标号分别填在下面横线上。

       A. If you follow them, you will get the best deal(交易).

       B. Here are some steps you can take for wise shopping.

       C. Knowing what others say about the product can help you make the decision.

       _____________      _____________

77. How many steps should you take before you buy a product?


78. Where can you buy the product according to the passage?


79. 请把划线部分的句子译成汉语。


80. Give a title(标题) to the passage.


76. . B .A   77. 3/Three(steps)  78. In stores, online or in factory outlets   79. 如果你想用理想的价格买到物美价廉的物品,明智的决定是非常重要的。

80. How to be a wises/smart shopper/shop wisely.

What you should do to be a smart/wise shopper.

Steps to be a wise/smart shopper.




    It is said that about half of the people in China smoke. Many young boys and girls have the habit of smoking, though they are middle school students.

More and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is. But they are never bored with it. ?Some people think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and others think that smoking can refresh themselves.

Smoking causes many illnesses. A lot of people always cough ?              smoking. The most serious illness caused by smoking is lung cancer. At the same time smoking is a waste of money. Besides, careless smokers may cause dangerous firs.

?众所周知,吸烟有害于人体健康In order to keep healthy, we should get rid of the bad habit of smoking. Please stop smoking at once.

1. ?句划线部分译成汉语:                                               

2. ?句的空白处填入适当的词使句意完整、上下文通顺:               

3. ?句划线部分的汉语译成英语:                                         

4. 列出短文中提到的吸烟的至少两点危害:                                  

5. 该篇短文的主题是:                                                    

答案:1. 一些人认为是一种时尚,一些人认为是一种乐趣,其他的人认为提精神。

2. because of

3. As we all know, smoking does great harm to human beings.

4. 1Smoking causes many illnesses.

2Smoking is a waste of money.

5. Smoking Is Harmful

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