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【引用】2011年安顺市初中毕业生学业(升学)考试 英 语 科 试 卷  

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2011年安顺市初中毕业生学业(升学)考试< xmlnamespace prefix ="o" ns ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />




2 考试采用闭卷形式,用笔在特制答题卡上答题,不能在本题单上作答。


I   (共85分)


A. 找出已所给单词画线部分读音相同的词。

1. machine      A. able                  B. stranger             C. afraid                D. magazine


2. honest        A. high                  B. horse                C. harm                 D. Hour


3. smart         A. warn                 B. guitar                C. quarter                     D. towards


4. jeans          A. dream               B. great                 C. ready                D. break


5. suggestion  A. donation            B. exhibition           C. question            D. solution


B. 根据已给出的单词拼音,选择正确拼读。

6. [rais]          A. rise                   B. rose                  C. raise                 D. Rice


7. [θr?u]         A. throw               B. though                     C. through             D. thought


8. [w?t]         A. water                B. what                 C. want                 D. Wait


9. ['leit?]         A. late                   B. let                     C. letter                 D. Later


10. [p?'li:s]     A. place                 B. palace               C. police                D. Please


II 单项选择(共20分,每小题1分)

11. Can you imagine what life will be like in ______ time?

       A. 50 years’                  B. 50 year’s                  C. 50-years’          D. 50-years


【解析】本题考查名词所有格做定语的用法, 当名词为复数作定语时, 直接在后面加即可。

12. _____ kind girl Nancy is! Yes, she is always ready to help others.

       A. What                       B. What a                     C. How                 D. How a


【解析】考查感叹句的用法。What + a/an + 形容词+ 名词+ 主语+ 谓语!而how引导的感叹句结构是:How + 形容词/副词+ 主语+ 谓语!根据句意应该选择B

13. Peter, what have done with the poor dog? He is wet through!

Not ______, mum! I never do the same thing a second time.

  A. I                             B. me                           C. him                   D. he


【解析】考查代词的用法。根据题意“彼得,你是怎样处理那只狗的?它浑身都湿透了”“不是____, 妈妈!相同的事情我从来不做第二次。”应该是“我”,在句子中作表语,应是宾格形式。

14. ______ is “CHINA NEWS” shown on CCTV-4? Every day.

       A. How often                B. How many times              C. How long          D. How soon


【解析】词组辨析。How often意为“多久一次”;how many times意为“多少次”;how long意为“多长时间”;how soon意为“多久以后”;根据题意,“中国新闻在中央4多久播放一次?”每天。考查的是频率性的。

15. _______ about the sports meeting make us excited.

       A. News                       B. Information                     C. Messages          D. Advice


【解析】名词的考查。根据句意,谓语动词make是原形,可知主语应该是复数形式,而news, information, advice都是不可数名词,故C是正确的。

16. Let’s get the key ______ the question?  OK. Let’s start.

       A. for                           B. with                         C. on                    D. To


【解析】固定搭配的考查。根据句意“问题的答案”应该是the key to the question.

17. Wow, your new bicycle looks the same as ______.  Really?

       A. me                           B. I                              C. my                   D. Mine


【解析】考查名词性物主代词。根据句意“你的新自行车看起来跟我的一样”。应该是同类事物进行比较,your bike my bike是一样的,句子的末尾没有名词,故应该是名词性物主代词。

18. Mr. Smith always has _____ to tell us.  So he does.

       A. some good pieces of news                                   B. some pieces of good news

       C. some good piece of news                              D. some piece of good news



19. Why do you like staying in Guiyang?

Because the weather there is _____ too hot _____ too cold.

       A. either; or                  B. neither; nor               C. both, and           D. not only; but also


【解析】连词的考查。根据句意“你为什么喜欢呆在贵阳,因为那里的天气既不太热也不太冷”,either …or…意为“或者或者…”,是选择性的; both…and…意为“…”; not only…but also…意为”不但而且…”递进关系,不符合。

20. The new kind of car is _____ dear, I don’t have _____ money.

       A. too much; much too                                     B. much too; too much

       C. too much; too much                                     D. much too; much too


【解析】词义辨析。Too much 后面接不可数名词;much too接形容词;根据句意,dear意为“昂贵的”是形容词,money是不可数名词。

21. David, how old is your father this year?

______. And we just had a special party for his _____ birthday last weekend.

       A. Fortieth; forty           B. Forty; forty                     C. Forty; fortieth    D. Fortieth; fortieth



22. Put your hands behind your back. Don’t speak. We’ll _____ in ten minutes.

       A. back                        B. be back                    C. are back            D. are back to you



23. What did the teacher say just now? Sorry. I didn’t catch it. I ____ something else.

       A. think                        B. will think                  C. was thinking      D. had thought



24. Today is the _____ day in my life, because I won the first prize in the competition.


       A. happy                      B. happiest                    C. happier              D. much happier



< xmlnamespace prefix ="v" ns ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" />< xmlnamespace prefix ="w" ns ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" />25. Look at the sign on the right.

Oh, parking ______ here.

       A. doesn’t allow            B. isn’t allowed      C. didn’t allowed    D. wasn’t allowed



26. Dinner is ready. Help yourself!

Wow! It ______ delicious. Could you please tell me how to cook it?

  A. tastes                       B. looks                        C. sounds                     D. Feels



27. Are Li Yan and Wang Mei still living in Pingba? No, they ____ to Shanghai.

       A. had moved               B. moved                      C. will move          D. have moved



28. Who broke the window?   ______. A strong wind broke it last night.

       A. Somebody                B. Anybody                   C. Nobody             D. Everybody


【解析】不定代词的考查。“是谁打破的玻璃?没有人。昨天晚上是风打破的。”somebody, anybody意为“有人”;everybody意为“每个人,大家”,均不符合题意。

29. Look at the noisy kids!

Haven’t you heard the saying “When the cat is away, the mice ______?”

       A. play                         B. played                      C. are playing         D. will play



30. I can’t stop smoking, doctor.    For your health, I’m afraid you ______.

       A. may                         B. can                          C. have to              D. need




Rudi Matt lived in a small village in the Swiss Alps in 1865. What he wanted most in the world was to climb   31   highest peak (山峰) in the Alps.   32   mother and his uncle, Franz, a mountain guide, wanted him to stop   33   and start working in a hotel. Rudi would not  34   his dream and secretly got in touch with an English mountain climber   35  was planning to climb the highest peak.

Franz was very angry when he found out   36   Rudi had done, but he finally agreed to let Rudi go if he went climbing, too. Franz also didn’t want to see Emil Saxo, a guide from another village, got to the top   37    him.

Rudi turned out to be a very good climber,  38   as they got close to the top, the Englishman got sick and couldn’t go on farther. Franz   39   behind to take care of him, but Saxo continued, wishing to be the   40   to the top. Rudi went after Saxo, hoping to   41   him to the top. When they met, Saxo fought with Rudi and fell down by accident. Saxo was   42   and hurt. Rudi must decide whether to carry Saxo back down to safety or to continue alone to the top.

He thought Saxo’s life was more   43   than his dream and helped him down. During that time, the Englishman and Franz continued the climb, and finally   44  reached the top. Later, the villagers   45   knew Rudi was the real conqueror (征服者) of the mountain.

31. A. the                            B. a                       C. an                     D. /

32. A. Rudi                   B. The Rudi’s         C. Rudis’               D. Rudi’s

33. A. climbing              B. climb                C. to climb            D. climbed

34. A. try out                B. give up              C. go over             D. work out

35. A. what                   B. which               C. whom               D. who

36. A. which                 B. what                 C. that                   D. where

37. A. after                   B. behind               C. before               D. over

38. A. but                            B. so                     C. or                     D. for

39. A. walked                B. rested                C. stayed               D. watched

40. A. first                    B. second                     C. third                 D. last

41. A. take                    B. beat                  C. push                 D. help

42. A. helpful                B. helping              C. helps                 D. helpless

43. A. popular               B. successful         C. important          D. interesting

44. A. he                      B. they                  C. them                 D. him

45. A. both                   B. none                 C. either                D. all

主旨大意:鲁迪最大的梦想就是登上最高峰,为此他付出了很多努力,可是就在快要到达 山顶的时候,他为了救他人,而放弃了梦想,但大家都知道鲁迪才是山峰真正的征服者。

31. 答案:A【解析】形容词的最高级前面应用定冠词the.

32. 答案:D【解析】名词所有格的考查。根据下文中his uncle可知,前面应该是鲁迪的妈妈。

33.  答案:A【解析】stop to do sth.意为“停下来去做另外一件事”,stop doing sth意为“停止正在做的某事”,根据句意他的妈妈和叔叔想让他停止爬山,去一家旅馆工作。

34. 答案:B【解析】词组辨析。Try out意为“尝试”;give up意为“放弃”;go over意为“复习”;work out意为“做出,算出”,根据下面的句子secretly秘密地可知他并没有放弃自己的梦想。

35. 答案:B【解析】关系带代词的考查。先行词是人,关系代词可以是whothat

36. 答案:B【解析】what +主语+谓语动词意为“………..”根据句意Franz对于鲁迪所作感到非常生气。

37. 答案:C【解析】根据下文可知,他不想让Emil在他之前到达山顶。

38. 答案:A【解析】连词的考查。但是当他们要到达山顶洞 时候,英国人生病了,是转折关系,so表示因果关系,or意为“否则”;for后面接原因。

39. 答案:C【解析】句意为“英国人病了,Franz呆在后面照顾他。”

40. 答案:A【解析】句意为“他想成为第一个到达山顶的人”。

41. 答案:B【解析】根据全文可知,鲁迪的梦想就是登上山顶,所以他希望打败他。

42. 答案:D【解析】根据下文hurt可知他非常的helpless意为“无助的”。

43. 答案:C【解析】鲁迪带Saxo到安全地带,因为他知道“生命比他的梦想更重要”。

44. 答案:B【解析】代词的考查。到达山顶的人是FranzEnglishman,故英国是they.

45. 答案:D【解析】both用在两者之间,none意为“一个也没有”,either意为“或者”,all意为“都”,根据句意“村民们都知道鲁迪才是大山真正的征服者”.



Traveling by train is usually not easy in < xmlnamespace prefix ="st1" ns ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />China. It can be hard to get a ticket. When you’re traveling to the railway station you look at your watch, afraid you will miss your train.

But there is good news for people traveling between Beijing and Shanghai. Construction (建设) on the express railway (高速铁路) between the two cities started just before the Spring Festival of 2008. When it is finished by 2013, taking a train will be as easy as taking a bus.

“There will be trains every several minutes. Buying a ticket, getting through the checkpoint (检查站) and taking your seat, will take just 10 minutes,” said an engineer.

There may be high-speed trains running at 350 kilometers an hour. The travel time between the two cities will decease from 10 to about 5 hours. The trains will carry twice the present number of passengers.

The new line will be 1,318 kilometers long and go across specially built bridges. It will run along side the present line. There will be 21 stations in Hebei, Tianjin, Shandong, Anhui and Jiangsu.

“The cost of traveling by the express railway may be around 800 yuan. That will be more expensive than an ordinary train, but cheaper than by air.” Said Zhang Xiaoling, a Jiangsu government official.

According to Zhang, the higher price is caused by the large cost of the railway project. At about 200 billion yuan, the project may be even more expensive than the Three Gorges Project (三峡工程).

46. The express railway between Beijing and Shanghai will be finished _______.

       A. at the end of this year                                   B. before the Spring Festival of 2008

       C. after 2013                                            D. in about 5 years

47. Before taking your seat, you should _____ with your ticket.

       A. buy a ticket                                                 B. get through the checkpoint

       C. pack your things                                          D. make some friends

48. The word “decrease” in the passage possibly means ______ in Chinese.

       A. 延长                       B. 缩短                D. 提速                       D. 限速

49. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

       A. Traveling by train is usually difficult in China because tickets are too expensive.

       B. The high-speed trains will have 21 stations in Hebei, Tianjin, Shandong, Hunan and Jiangsu.

       C. Tickets for the high-speed trains will be cheaper than those for planes.

       D. The cost of the express railway project is as high as that of the Three Gorges Project.

50. What can be the best title of the passage?

       A. An enormous project.                                   B. Train tickets will get more expensive

       C. Specially built bridges                            D. Beijing—Shanghai express railway


46. 答案:D 【解析】细节理解题。根据“started before the Spring Festival of 2008, it is finished by 2013”可知该工程历时5年。

47. 答案:B【解析】细节理解题。根据“buying a ticket, getting through the checkpoint and taking your seat”可知,需要检票。

48. 答案:B【解析】词义理解题。火车的速度加快,那么所需要的时间将会缩短,故decrease意为“缩短”。

49. 答案:C【解析】细节理解题。根据“That will be more expensive than an ordinary train, but cheaper than by air”可知,乘火车比乘飞机要便宜。

50. 答案:D【解析】主旨理解题。从文章的主题来看,出现次数最多的就是express railway,D是正确的。


People know the danger of fires. It’s good for a family to learn how to prepare for a fire. Here are some suggestions:

Put a smoke alarm in the house. Smoke from a fire causes the alarm to go off. The alarm makes a loud sound. The sound tells everyone to leave the house at once.

Make escape (逃脱) plans. They should know all the ways out of the house. If there is a fire, everyone follows the plan to get out. Part of the plan is to check all the windows to make sure they can be opened easily.

Buy fire extinguishers (灭火器) in the house. Everyone in the family should know how to use them.

Practice for a fire. They do fire practice because they teach children about fire safety. Everyone in the family should know the following fire rules:

    Don’t open a hot door! The fire can grow more quickly if you open the door.

Stay close to the floor! Smoke can be more dangerous than fire; the best air is near the floor because smoke rises.

What will you do if you hair or clothes start to burn? First, stop! Don’t run! The fire burns faster because of more air. Drop! Fall to the floor. They roll! Turning over and over will make the fire go out. Put a blanket (毯子) around you to keep air away from the fire that may still be on you.

There are many possible causes for firs. A wise family is ready all the time. If there is a fire, don’t forget to call 119 for help.

51. What does it mean when a smoke alarm rings at home?

       A. You have to get up.                                B. Water is running to the floor.

       C. Something is burning.                            D. Someone breaks your window.

52. The writer advices people to do the following to prepare for a fire except that _______.

       A. they practice for a fire                           B. they make escape plans

       C. they buy fire extinguishers                            D. they use electrical cookers

53. When a fire happens, _______ if you open the hot door.

       A. the fire will grow more quickly               B. the electricity will be cut off

       C. the door will soon be on fire                   D. the house will fall down

54. What are the right steps you should take when your hair or clothes catch fire?

       A. Stop, run, roll.                                      B. Stop, drop, roll.

       C. Run, drop, roll.                                     D. Roll, drop, stop

55. What is the best title for this passage?

       A. The Dangers of a Fire.                           B. The Cause of a Fire.

       C. Learn to Use a Fire Extinguisher.            D. Be Ready for a Fire.


51. 答案:C【解析】细节理解题。从“smoke from a fire cause the alarm to go off. The alarm makes a loud sound”可知。

52. 答案:D【解析】细节理解题。作者建议人们做下面的事情来防火,除了____,根据文章内容,A是第五段的内容,B是第三段的内容,C是第四段的内容,故D是错误的。

53. 答案:A 【解析】细节理解题。从文章中的第六段“The fire can go more quickly if you open the door”可知。

54. 答案:B【解析】细节理解题。当你的头发或衣服着火了,所采取的正确步骤是:____.根据文章中的第八段“stop, drop, then roll”可知。

55. 答案:D【解析】主旨理解题。根据全文可知本篇文章主要讲述的是如何防火。


Years ago, I lived in a building in a large city. The next building only was a few feet away from mine. They was a woman lived there, and I had never met her, yet I could see she sat by her window each afternoon, sewing or reading.

After several months had gone by, I began to notice that her window was dirty. Everything was unclear through the dirty window. I would say to myself. “I wonder why that woman doesn’t wash her window. It really looks terrible.”

One bright morning I decided to clean my flat, including washing the window on the inside.

Late in the afternoon when I finished the cleaning, I sat down by the window with a cup of coffee for a rest. What a surprise! Across the way, the woman sitting by her window was clearly visible (看见). Her window was clean!

Then it dawned on me. I had been criticizing (批评) her dirty window, but all the time I was watching hers through my own dirty window.

    That was quite an important lesson for me. How often had I looked at and criticized others through the dirty window of my heart, through my own shortcomings?

Since then, whenever I wanted to judge (评判) someone, I asked myself first, “Am I looking at him through my own dirty window?” I try to clean the window of my own world so that I may see the world about me more clearly.

56. The writer couldn’t see everything clearly through the window because __________.

       A. the woman’s window was dirty                     B. the writer’s window was dirty

       C. the woman lived nearby                         D. the writer was near-sighted

57. The writer was surprised that _________.

       A. the woman was sitting by her window    B. the woman’s window was still terrible

       C. the woman did cleaning in the afternoon  D. the woman’s window was clean

58. “It dawned on me” probably means “_______”.

       A. I began to understand it                         B. it cheered me up

       C. I knew it grew light                               D. it began to get dark

59. It’s clear that ________.

       A. the writer had never met the woman before    B. the writer often washed the window

       C. they both worked as cleaners                 D. they lived in a small town

60. From the passage, we can learn _______.

       A. one shouldn’t criticize others very often

       B. one should often make his windows clean

       C. one must judge himself before he judges others

       D. one must look at others through his dirty windows.

C) 主旨大意:多年前,作者喜欢通过窗户看隔壁楼里的一位妇女看书。有一天他注意到那位妇女家的窗户脏了,觉得很讨厌。决定擦自己的,擦完之后,坐下来一看,才知道是自己窗户脏的缘故。这件事情给作者的触动很大,在以后的生活中,每次他想批判别人的时候,都扪心自问:“我是正在通过自己的脏窗户看别人们?”

56. 答案:B【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段“Her window is clean”可知是我的窗户脏了。

57. 答案:D【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段“What a surprise! Across the way, the woman sitting by her window was clearly visible.”可知。

58. 答案:A【解析】词义理解题。Cheer up意为“欢呼”,grow light意为“变明亮”,get dark意为“黑暗”均不符合题意。

59. 答案:A【解析】推理判断题。由文章中的第一句话“I live in a building ia a large city”可知D是错误的。“I had never met her”可知A是正确的。

60. 答案: C 【解析】推理判断题。从这篇文章中的最后一段,我们可以学习到“批评别人的时候先看看自己”。


A. B栏中找出A句子的相应答语。


61. Why not join the music club?

62. Hello! Can I speak to Alice?

63. I don’t like swimming.

64. Give my best wishes to your parents, please.

65. Excuse me. Which is the way to the nearest post office?


A. Neither does my sister.

B. Go along the road and take the first turning on the left. You’ll see it.

C. Thanks, I will.

D. I’m sorry. I can’t sing or dance.

E. Sorry. She isn’t here right now. She has gone to the shop.

答案:61.D   62.E   63.A   64.C   65.B


B. 根据对话内容排序:66. ______ 67. _____ 68. _____ 69. _____ 70. ______

A. Anything else?

B. Yes. I would like to have the beef, please.

C. OK. I will get the things ready for you soon.

D. May I take your order, sir?

E. A tomato salad and a bottle of beer.

答案:66.D   67.B   68.A   69.E   70.C



II (共65分)


A. 用所词的适当形式填空。

1. A large number of _____ (foreign) visit Guizhou province these years.

2. Thank goodness! The letter I looking forward to _____ (reach) me at last.

3. Hainan Island is a ______ (wonder) place to spend summer.

4. The dinner room must _____ (clean) three times a day.

5. My cousin is used to _______ (study) with his new friends in Australia.

答案: 1. foreigners     2. reached      3.wonderful           4. be cleaned          5. studying

B. 选择方框中的词组填空,有一项多余。

pay attention to; be good for; from now on; be bad for; chat with; are very proud of




6. These days I hardly have time to _____ my friends on the Internet.

7. Thank for your help, more and more pupils can enjoy free lunch at school ______.

8. Li Na has won the tennis champion in France, we ______ her.

9. Tom asked his mother what to _____ when he cooked fish.

10. Don’t eat a lot of sweet food. It will ______ your health.

答案:6. chat with 7. from now on8. are very proud of 9. pay attention to       10. be bad for

C. 句型转换,每空一词。

11. They had an English party last Sunday. (改为否定句)

   They _____ ____ an English party last Sunday.

12. The reporter asked the girl, “Do you like your volunteer work on weekends?” (改为间接引语)

   The reporter asked the girl _____ she _____ her volunteer work on weekends.

13. The girl with a flower in her hand is my sister. (改为含定语从句的复合句)

   The girl ____ ____ a flower in her hand is my sister.

14. Should I arrive on time or a little later if someone invites me to dinner? (改为同义句)

   Am I ____ ____ arrive on time or a little later if someone invites me to dinner?

15. The students will learn the group dance on the school playground. (对画线部分提问)

______ _____ the students learn the group dance?

答案:11. didn't have    12. if; liked     13. who/that has/holds   14. supposed to15.Where will

D. 根据汉语提示完成对话。

A: Mr. Wilson, (16) ___________? (你来安顺多久了?)

B: Three days.

A: (17) ___________? (你游览过哪些风景区?)

B: Huangguoshu Waterfall and Dragon Palace.

A: (18) ______________? (你觉得我们这座城市怎么样?)

B: It’s beautiful and quiet. It has changes a lot during the past two years.

A: Oh? (19) ________. (好像你很了解我们这座城市。) Have you ever been here before?

B: Yes. I came here to give a report on food safety two years ago.

A: Then this time you are here for ?

B: Just for a holiday.

A: I’m very glad you like our city. (20) _____. (希望你玩得高兴)

B: Thank you.

答案:16. how long have you been in Anshun

17. Which places of interest have you visited

18. What do you think of our city/How do you like our city

19. It seems that you have known our city/it very well

20. I hope you will have a good time/ have fun/enjoy yourself

Have a good time/ Have fun/Enjoy yourself



    We are in a world full of competition. Our parents compete (竞争) with others in their offices, our brothers and sisters compete with others in their colleges, and we compete with our classmates in school. Many of us give up in the face of competition and will never be successful. can’t, others, why, we, do, better, than One important reason is that we have no self-confidence (自信).

In fact, everyone is born equal. You can do what others do. Although your classmates may be better than you in some ways, you may be better than them in other subjects. So everyone has his or her own advantages. Don’t look at things from a single (单个的) point of view. Try to discover your own advantages, and believe that you can do better than others in those ways.

Competition is not so terrible. Don’t be afraid of it. And don’t be afraid of those classmates who are better than you. Remember that self-confidence is the first step to success. Believe in yourselves, and you will be successful one day.

任务一: 21. Are we living in a world full of competition?

任务二: 22. How can you improve your self-confidence according to the passage?

任务三: 23. 处画线部分单词连成一个完整的特殊疑问句。

任务四: 24. 处画线部分译成中文。

任务五: 25. What’s the main idea of this passage?


21Yes./Yeswe are

22I'll try to discover my own advantages

Don't look at things from a single point of view

Everyone is born equalI should believe I can do what others do

We should believe we can do better than others in some wayssubjects

23Why can’t we do better than others?


25Believe in yourselvesand you will be successful one day

We should try to improve our self-confidence

We shouldn't give up in the face of competition

We should be filled withfull of confidence


最近你校进行了一次“说出你的烦恼”(“Don’t keep your worries”) 的调查活动,请你用英语写一篇短文。



One possible version:

Our school has made a survey — "Don't keep your worries"Here are the results

About fifty percent of the students in our school are worried about their homeworkThey have so much homework to do every dayAnd they feel stressed too muchAbout thirty percent of the students think their parents are too strict with them in their studies).It's difficult for them to get along/on well with their parentsThe other twenty percent of them say they are weak in healthThey complain that they almost have no time for their hobbies or after-school activities

Dear teachers, would you please give us less homework and more time to relax ourselves? Dear mom and dad, we want to take more exercise to keep fit/healthy,/stay healthyWe will try/do our best and we also want to play on our own



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