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2011-10-30 09:12:42|  分类: 中考英语 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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2011湖南湘西】 写作技能(共三个部分,计25分)

第一节 双向翻译   阅读下面的短文,请根据上下文内容,将文中划线部分译成汉语或者英语。(共5小题,计10分)

       Wang Lin is the captain of the basketball team.71.He’s tall and he is of medium build. He has 72.短发. Wang Lin is very popular.

       Mary is thin and she is of medium height. She has short curly blonde hair.73.She’s good–looking but she’s a little bit quiet.

       Mike is 74. 一个好男孩 . He’s very tall. He has curly brown hair and is of medium build(中等身材).75.He likes reading and playing football.






答案:< xmlnamespace prefix ="o" ns ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

71. 他高高的个子,中等身材。

72. short hair

73. 她长相很好,但是性格有点内向。

74. a good boy 75. 他喜欢读书和踢足球。

(A)   根据所给中文完成句子翻译。(共11分,局部翻译每小题1分,整句翻译每小题2分)


   I’d like _____________________ tea.


  Don’t talk loudly ______________________.


  He ___________________________ 11:30 last night.


  ___________________________ the address before you forget it.


  People __________________________ how to save themselves in the earthquake.






答案:(A)26.to have/drink a cup of 27. in public 28. stayed up until/didnt go to bed until/till 29. Write down 30. should be taught

31. Do/Would you mind turning off the lights? 32. I am sure he will arrive on time.

33.In summer, people like to go to somewhere cool/to cool places for vacation/to take a vacation.



    2011本溪Taiwan is a beautiful island. It’s in the southeast of < xmlnamespace prefix ="st1" ns ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />China and to the east of Fujian Province.34.There are many islands in China, but it is the largest of all. It has an area of about 36,000 square kilometers and it has a population of over 32,000,000.35.Taiwan has been a part of China since ancient times. Most people of the island come from Fujian and Guangdong Province. The people on both sides of strait(海峡) have a strong wish to unite with our motherland.

(B)34. 在中国许多岛屿,但台湾是所有岛屿中最大的。




第五节 汉译英(5小题,每小题2分,满分10)把答案写在每小题后的横线上,必须用上所提供的单词和短语。

76. 你酷爱什么?(be crazy about)    


77. ―我不在乎年轻人认为我怎么样?(think of)  


78. 您住的地方离公共汽车站有多远?(live)


79. 把音乐关小点您介意吗?(turn down)


80. 这棵树一定属于我们。(belong to)


答案:76. What are you crazy about?

77. I don’t care about what young people think of me.

78. How far do you live from the bus stop?

79. Would you mind turning down the music?

80. This tree must belong to us.


. 将下列各句译成英语。必须用上所给提示词。(每小题2分,共4分)

111. 他太害羞,不敢在公共场合做演讲。(too…to…, speech


112. 我一收到你的来信就会打电话给你。(as soon as, hear from


113. 根据所给图和提示词,各写一句话。必须用上所给提示词。(每小题2分,共4分)

< xmlnamespace prefix ="v" ns ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" />

答案:111. He is too shy to give/ make a speech in public.

112. I will ring you up/ call you up as soon as I hear from you.

113. There is a car under the tree(s).


1. 我正期待着看到我的新朋友。(look forward to)


2. 大明的爷爷去世时100岁。(at the age of


3. 刘翔的妈妈以他为自豪。(be proud of


4. 人们通常用花来装饰房子。(decorate   with

1. I’m looking forward to seeing/meeting my new friend(s).

2. Daming’s grandfather died/was dead at the age of 100.

3. Liu Xiang’s mother is proud of him.

4. People usually decorate houses/the house with flowers/the flower.












68.I met/saw her on the Great Wall last year.          

69.I have something interesting to tell you./I have something that is interesting to tell you.

70.He gave/left/told me his telephone number when he left/He gave/left/tole his telephone number to me when he left

71.Liu Xiang is one of the most popular sports stars in the world.

72.Your mother wants to know if/whether you have arrived at/reached school safely.


A. 句子翻译(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)


76. 谢谢你把字典借给我。


答案:Thanks for lending me the dictionary.

77. 爸爸的建议对我来说很有价值。


答案:Father’s suggestions are great valuable for/to me.

78. 你知道这个火车站是什么时候建成的吗?


答案:Do you know when the Railway Station set up?

79. 直到他说话,我才发现他是扬州人。


答案:I didn’t know he was from Yangzhou until he said a word.(答案不唯一)

80. 政府已经采取措施禁止酒后开车了。


答案:The government has already taken action to stop/prevent/keep people from driving after



2011 山东烟台】根据所给汉语将下列句子补充完整 (每空一词)。

1. 我的宠物狗使我的生活充满了乐趣。

   My pet dog ______ my life______ great pleasure.

2.  海伦经常晚上开着灯就睡着了,因为她怕黑。

   Hellen often ______ ______ ______ with the bedroom light ______ because she’s terrified of the dark.

3. 这轻音乐使你想起了什么?

   What does the soft music _______ _______ _______

4. 我们在伦敦期间,他们想尽办法使我们感到像到了家一样。

  They ______ _______ _______ their______ to make us feel at home when we were in London .

5. 飞机起飞的时候天正下着大雨。

   It_____ ______ heavily when the plane ______ ______.

6. 我们不应该逃避问题,而应勇敢面对并解决它们。

  We shouldn’t _____ ______ _______ the problems. We must face and solve them bravely.


1.fills/ filled, with      2. goes to sleep, on         3. remind you of

4. went out of , way     5. was raining, took off     6. run away from



51. 2011·苏州我们新来的英语老师年轻、漂亮和耐心。

答案:51. Our new English is young, beautiful and patient.

52. 2011·苏州她课上得好,课后经常给我们很多帮助。

答案:52. She teaches well and often gives us a lot of help after class.

53. 2011·苏州 她要求我们每天至少花一小时学习英语。

答案:53. She asks us to spend at least an hour a day learning English.

54. 2011·苏州我们的作业必须准时交。

答案:54. Our homework must be handed in on time.

55. 2011·苏州我希望将来当一名像她一样的老师。

答案:55. I hope to be a teacher like her in the future.


1. 做自愿者有助于开阔青年学生的眼界 (open up)


2. 杰克当时病情严重,连医生也无能威利· (can't do anything about)


3. 政府正千方百计为无家可归的人提供住房 (go out of one's way to)


4. 均衡的饮食和有规律的运动被视为健康的必要条件(be regarded as)


5. 安迪曾抱怨说他和别人同样工作,但报酬却不一样。 (the same as; pay)



1. Being volunteers helps open up the eyes of the young students.

2. Jack’s illness was serious at that time and even the doctors couldn’t do anything about it.

3. The government is going out of its way to provide house for the homeless people.

4. Balanced diet(s) and regular sports are regarded as requirements for health.

5. Andy complained that he did the same job as others but was paid differently.




1. We believe that our good wishes will come true.


2. Teachers are trying their best to stop the students from going to the internet ca­fes(网吧).



3. 这个电视剧是根据一个真实的故事改编的。


4. 天山是如此的美丽,每年都吸引了大量的游客。


5. 保护环境是我们的职责。


1. 我们相信美好的愿望一定会成为现实。

2. 老师们在尽力阻止学生进网吧。

3. This TV play is based on a true story.

4. Tianshan is so beautiful that it attracts large numbers of visitors /tourists/ travellers every year.

5. It’s our duty to protect our environment.


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